Ladies and gentlemen,

With this blog, I sincerely hope that everyone can contribute and update the information about Malaysia put up here.

For fellow tour guides: Your valuable experiences will very much appreciated if you can share your own experiences and contribute valuable information here.

For future tour guides: Its always in my mind that I hope I can share these information with all of you. Its always in my principle that when we share, we learn and grow as it goes.

For my SUPER VIP TOURISTS ( whom I call friends ): Your contribution here will definitely motivate us to improve our services to all the future SUPER VIP TOURISTS in Malaysia. Its always the hope of tour guides that you will past the words of mouth how beautiful Malaysia is to all future SUPER VIP TOURISTS.

For fellow bloggers: Your valuable suggestions and contributions will also very much appreciated. I hope that with blog, your future travel to Malaysia will be a very much happy and pleasant one.

Posted by Chua Eng Han

Saturday, July 5, 2008


On the 29th June 2008 - 3rd July 2008 I was taking an Indonesian group which consists of 10 pax only. The following is their itinerary :

Hotel : Coronade Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

29th June Arrival at KLIA. Putrajaya and Chinatown.
30th June Genting day trip
1st July Full day meeting
2nd July Full day meeting
3rd July KL - Singapore

On the 1st July at about 11am I recieved a phone call from Mr. Tony (my boss from Spore). He inquired me what is the complaint from the tour member because the tour member phoned to Indonesia to complain. I was very surprised, puzzled and angry because everything goes smoothly. I asked back to Mr Tony what is the complaint all about. It seems that he also do not know what is the complaint all about. I told Mr Tony that I even have a city tour for the tour members which is not include in their itinerary and all the guests are happy so there should not be any complain.

About 5 mins later, I recieved another phone call but this time it is from Indonesia. The caller inquired me about the complaint as well. I feel very puzzled as to why there is a complaint and yet both my boss and the travel agent in Indonesia did not know about. I told the caller from Indonesia that I will find out what is the problem and rectified it with the guests.

Knowing about the complainy from my boss and the Indonesia travel agent, I felt very uneasy the whole day. I called up my tour leader immediately to inquire about the complaint. He also told me that there is no complain at all.

I still feel very upset and uneasy about the complain but then I can't meet up with the guests immediately because they are undergoing their training. So, I have no choice but to wait till evening when I am doing my dinner transfer with them.

At about 7.30pm, I turned up at the hotel and I met with the tour leader. The tour leader told me that there is no complain about me. What a relief for me... He told me that actually the guests called up Indonesia to complain about the transport arrangement for them on the last day. They are required to go to Singapore by bus. The guests are not happy about it and made the complaint.

The whole day of feeling upset and uneasiness turned up to be a good news for me on the next day. My boss called up and said the guests are going to Singapore by flight. Woweee... at least I need not travel 5 hours in the bus to 2nd link and then travel anothe 5 hours to KL again.... Hehehehe...

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